Oxy-B 400g (mixture of antioxidants and B-vitamins) de Pigeon Vitality

Product ID: 6833
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Pigeon Vitality

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Product Description


Oxy-B 400g by Pigeon Vitality, mixture of antioxidants and selected B-vitamins for Racing Pigeons

The development of Oxy-B has been based on a thorough scientific approach as well in pigeon lofts for the past racing season with extraordinary results. Oxy-B consist of a unique balanced mixture of antioxidants and selected B-vitamins to be added to the feed of the pigeons (grain and other cereals). The combination of antioxidants and B-vitamins are beneficial for pigeon racers, young birds and breeders.
It will come in containers of 400ml with a measuring spoon inside.


The racers
- While being digested, the antioxidants secure the purification of the blood, muscles and give a fast recuperation to the pigeons.
- The B-vitamins, and in particular the B6, B9 (folic acid) and B12, secure vitality, an optimal increase of appetite, aid the building of muscles, help the red blood cells, and guarantee a good condition in the racing season.
- The results were tested in many races and lofts in the past months.

The recommended dosage over the feed:
- 1 heaped measure spoon of 2,5gr added per kilo of grain (moisten the grain first with lemon juice, sunflower oil or similar). Do this procedure twice a week, the day after returning from a race, and the day before basketing.
- For optimized results for both health & performance, do not forget to add Improver & AntiFungal to the drinking water .

The breeders
- The antioxidants (in particular the natural D-alfatochoferol, the selenium) and the folic acid secure high fertility and vitality for the breeders.
- Additionally the selected combination of antioxidants and B-vitamins is beneficial for the healthy growth and strengthen the immune defence system.

The recommended dosage over the feed:
- Pairing up: 1 heaped measure spoon of 2,5gr added per kilo of grain (moisten the grain first with lemon juice, sunflower oil or similar).
- Do this procedure daily from 10 days before pairing up until 1 week after. Thereafter once a week through the whole breeding season.
- For an optimized results for both health & performance, do not forget to add Improver & AntiFungal in the drinking water.

The young birds
- After weaning give the young birds Oxy-B once a week.

The moulting season
- All birds will benefit from Oxy-B once a week in the moulting season.

Additional Information

Additional Information

Treatments No
Suitable for Birds, Pigeons
Manufacturer Pigeon Vitality
Indications Vitaminas
Natural treatments No
Packaging Powder


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