Herbots Top-Fit 1kg, (Total recuperation after flights). Pigeons products

Product ID: 9005
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Product Description


Herbots Top-Fit 1kg, electrolyte enriched with Maltodextrine, a high performance carbohydrate. For Racing Pigeons

This is a combination of electrolytes where the substance Maltodextrine is of major importance. Maltodextrine is a high performance carbohydrate composed of complex glucose polymers and it has a mild sweet taste. As Maltodextrine contains less glucose parts, it is absorbed much faster by the body.
Furthermore, this new electrolytes mix is absorbed slower and better into the blood and delivers therefore energy on a longer term and regulates the blood sugar level.

- Provides a full recovery after the flights.
- Top-Fit is absorbed slowly and gradually, reaching the blood flow going by providing long-term energy.
- Regulates the level of sugar in the blood.
- Delays the sensation of thirst.

- It has to be administered immediately on return of the pigeons as well as the next day. Add 30 grams TOP-FIT per liter drinking water (2 level tablespoons or 1 full tablespoon).
- TOP-FIT CANNOT be combined with other products.
- TOP-FIT can even be given on basketing day. Especially during hot days TOP-FIT operates as an excellent thirst quencher !

- Tube of 1kg

Additional Information

Additional Information

Treatments No
Suitable for Pigeons
Manufacturer Herbots
Indications Electrolytes, Recovery
Natural treatments No
Packaging Powder


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